Hi! I'm a Software Developer and a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
I spend most of my time (work-time and free-time) building apps.
Travel Booking
Flexbox and media queries
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Realty Business
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React -- GraphQl, Redux, Next.js, Gatsby, React Native, Emotion, Styled Components, CSS Modules, SCSS
Cloud -- Strapi + Heroku and Cloudinary, Prismic + Netlify
.NET -- Blazor, ASP.Net, Entity Framework Core, MSSQL, PowerShell
Azure -- Static Web Apps, App Service, Application Insights, Key Vault, SQL Database, SQL Server, Storage (Tables, Queues, Blobs/CDN)
Azure Continued -- Service Bus, Functions, Databricks, Defender, Application gateways, DNS, Virtual Networks, NSGs, AAD
Azure Continued -- ADO YAML CI/CD Build and Release Pipelines, ARM/Bicep Templates